What we do
We act by the desire to promote good interactions, indispensable ingredients for collective life. In life, in general, and specifically in hospitals, schools and other social organizations, by volunteering, education, health and art.
Invite, prepare and support people for activities that improve the coexistence, through Art, Education, Communication and Volunteering.
With restlessness, enthusiasm and commitment to doing well, be inspiration in the management of social activities.
Transparency, Unconditional Respect, Enthusiasm, Uneasiness, Cooperation, Social Protagonism, Caprice and Relaxation.
Canto Cidadão began its activities in the second half of 2001, but became officially a non-profit nongovernmental organization on July 19, 2002.
It all began with the meeting between Felipe Mello and Roberto Ravagnani, through lectures on citizenship, production / presentation of radio programs and visits of clowns to public and philanthropic hospitals.
With the approach of more interested people, the socio-cultural and socio-educational programs were widening, reaching more partner organizations and their publics.
The organization
The greatest desire is to improve the practices of an inspired, organized and competent volunteer.
For this, several adjustments have been made: new process of entry of volunteers; initial and ongoing preparation revised and extended; strengthening the day-to-day management of voluntary groups; generation of indicators shared with all stakeholders; more internal / external communication and creation of a recognition program.
Who we are
The current term, in force between 2021 and 2026, has as directors: Felipe Mello, Joca Paciello and Ubiratan Mendonça Jr..
Under the organization’s Statutes, the Board of Directors is responsible for: preparing and submitting to the General Assembly the organization’s annual program proposal; execute the organization’s annual schedule of activities; prepare and present the annual report to the General Assembly; meet with public and private institutions for mutual collaboration in activities of common interest; hire and fire employees; regulate the Normative Orders of the General Assembly and issue Executive Orders to discipline the internal functioning of the organization.
The current term, effective between 2021 and 2026, has as members of the Fiscal Council: Ana Carolina Zanoti, Ana Clara Dumont, Camila Rocha, Célio Soledade Romano, Cristiane Magen, Maria Júlia Paes da Silva, Ricardo Falcão and Silvia Stuchi. Find out more about the Council by clicking here.
Pursuant to the organization’s Bylaws, the Supervisory Board is responsible for: examining the organization’s books; opine on the balance sheets and financial and accounting performance reports and on the property transactions carried out, issuing opinions to the organization’s superior bodies (Law 9,790/99, item III of art. 4); request, at any time, supporting documentation of the economic-financial operations carried out by the organization; to convene the General Meeting extraordinarily;
The Fiscal Council will meet ordinarily every six (6) months and, extraordinarily, whenever necessary.
People of various ages and backgrounds who come to Canto Cidadão to perform volunteer work in hospitals, schools and other places after preparation.
Organizations that receive sociocultural activities of Canto Cidadão. We highlight the public and philanthropic hospitals, which receive the activities of clowning, theater, music and playfulness in toy libraries; as well as public schools and social organizations from which children come to watch theater at our headquarters, as well as receive our free itinerant shows.